Grandma bought all kinds of decorations for the kids to decorate their bikes/scooters for the parade. They really enjoyed that. Then she also made shirts for all of them to wear! She had a treasure hunt for them to go on with prizes and much more!!

You can't really see them but they are behind the fire truck in the parade.
Brandon's big catch of the week! He has been searching to catch a gecko while there. Shannon found one in her bathroom and ran out to tell Brandon who caught it. We then brought it home and his name was "Blendy." We spent every waking minute worrying about him and even went to the pet store to buy him crickets. Well he just wasn't in his normal home and we woke up one morning to Blendy being gone. It was very sad moment in our home. Brandon really cared about him and spent his own money feeding him. So we did a buriel.

It is always fun at grandpa and grandma's lake house. So much to do. Boat rides, driving the boat, playing at the beach, going on walks, riding bikes, swimming in the pool. The lastest is getting the tube out and jumping and wrestling on it with it tied to the dock. They have a blast!
Thank you mom and dad for ALL you do for us while we are there!!